Over the years Lantern Light have been commissioned to perform live radio plays in venues across the country - from historic towers and stately homes to libraries and schools. Bringing atmospheric shows with world class professional performances that excite and entertain.
What is live radio theatre? Essentially the actors you see on stage are 'radio actors' who portray the characters in each story using their voice and facial expressions. It is similar to a staged reading where the actors have the scripts in front of them, for reference, but still deliver fully nuanced performances. They stand in front of microphones, rather than moving around on a set. They are fully in costume to represent their characters and if they are playing multiple characters may make small costume changes to reflect this. Just with a theatrical performance the shows also use atmospheric lighting as well as sound effects and music scoring.
Reminiscent of the magic of Old Time Radio, recorded live in front of a studio audience and listened to by families gathered around their wireless at home, the shows are both a thrilling imaginative experience and an engaging performance.
What is live radio theatre? Essentially the actors you see on stage are 'radio actors' who portray the characters in each story using their voice and facial expressions. It is similar to a staged reading where the actors have the scripts in front of them, for reference, but still deliver fully nuanced performances. They stand in front of microphones, rather than moving around on a set. They are fully in costume to represent their characters and if they are playing multiple characters may make small costume changes to reflect this. Just with a theatrical performance the shows also use atmospheric lighting as well as sound effects and music scoring.
Reminiscent of the magic of Old Time Radio, recorded live in front of a studio audience and listened to by families gathered around their wireless at home, the shows are both a thrilling imaginative experience and an engaging performance.
Currently Touring Autumn/Winter 2023
An exciting and brilliant hour long, two person live radio play performance of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic Gothic chiller ‘The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde’.
Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel is a classic tale of the duality of human nature, how we can have both good and evil inside of us. And how important it is for us to acknowledge this - for if we don’t we can end up being taken over by or giving into our worst desires. At the time it was written, it was also very much commentary on the duality of Victorian society - the difference which existed between the outward, expected rules of propriety and respectability and the inner & private world of an individual’s life and desires. In many ways this is still relevant to the world we live in today, especially where social media allows us to create and project an idealised, outward version of ourselves, which may be very different to the inner, lived experience of an individuals’ life. Our performance is set in the Victorian era, but has a modern sensibility in that the characters are all very recognisably characters we might meet today, their wishes and desires very much the wishes and desires we still have today. |
Listen to a Sample
For enquiries and bookings please email [email protected]